$799.00 USD

The Official Language of Breath Online Course

Learn to Reconnect to Yourself with Practical Methods

There is an unending circle of communication within you at all times. The problem that most of us face is that we don't understand the language of our own physiology.

If you don't understand the language, you are likely sending mixed messages to your physiology leading to:

  • Low Self-Esteem
  • Lack of Confidence
  • Anxiety
  • Indigestion
  • Sleepless Nights
  • Low Energy
  • Foggy Focus
  • Low Libido

What's even worse? Your physiology is trying to speak to you, but you don't know how to decipher what it is saying!

For most of us, this misunderstanding of the internal language within ourselves is the root cause of so many of our problems.

What is Your Physiology Saying to You? What are You Saying to Your Physiology?

Your physiology is always speaking to you. 

But what is it trying to tell you? In this course you will learn to understand the subtle language of your physiology so that you can form a team with your physiology! The strongest version of yourself is one that works with your physiology, and that means learning to listen to what it is saying.

Every breath you take sends a message that you physiology responds to. 

What is your breathing saying?

  • When you are asleep?
  • When your are trying to digest meals?
  • When you are at the gym?

Are you working WITH your physiology or AGAINST it? Most of us are so disconnected, we don't even know! We don't understand that the source of our anxiety and poor health originates from a disconnection within ourselves. In this course, we learn to reconnect to form the strongest you that can be!

Re-Thinking the Mind/Body Paradigm

For thousands of years, we have thought of our body as something separate from our mind, and this is not exactly true.

For example...

Can you point to a place where you do not have a nervous system? Is your brain not as much a part of your body as any other organ?

The reality is...

The reality is that you are one single organism that functions both consciously and unconsciously. In The Language of Breath System, we learn how to speak to our unconscious selves to become reconnected and healthier than ever before, both emotionally and physically.

This Course Is NOT About Control...

If your goal is to always be in control, then you'll never get to rest!! This course teaches you how to form a relationship with your unconscious self so that you can have a trusting relationship within yourself. You can choose to relax or you can choose to take charge! In both cases, you'll be working WITH your physiology rather than trying to constantly control it.

Here's what you get!

  • Deep and long-lasting understanding of breathwork.
  • 6 weeks of deep instructions.
  • Learn over 13 techniques.
  • Over 9 guided sessions you can come back to at ANY time.